About membership with OPBA

MembersAs a thought leader in public procurement, OPBA offers a wealth of information, education and resources designed to help you improve your skills and abilities and advance your public procurement career through professional development and peer networking. Unlike the private sector, public procurement professionals aren’t in competition with each other; consequently, OPBA members welcome the opportunity to support their colleagues to excel in their profession.

When you join OPBA, you are:

Investing in Your Career:

  • Increase your knowledge and enhance your value to your employer by learning from subject matter experts at OPBA professional development events such as OPBA Talks, Coffee with Counsel, webinars, the Spring and Fall Workshops, and the annual professional development conference.
  • New to the profession or public sector? You’ve come to the right place. When you enrol in the Principles of Effective Public Purchasing Certificate Program you will gain the knowledge and skills necessary for anyone who spends public funds or is involved in tendering or contracting for goods and services or in issuing Requests for Proposals, Tenders, Quotations, or other bid documents. Discounted fees are available to members and associates.
  • Be informed. Delivered to your inbox, the Caveat Emptor is a monthly e-news containing relevant and timely resources and articles from your colleagues and industry partners.  

Growing Your Professional Network:

  • Gain access to a broad network of public procurement professionals who are willing to share resources and support each other.
  • MemberConnect is an online community where you can post questions and get ideas and suggestions from your procurement peers. Need a template for an RFP or other procurement-related document? You’ll find it here!

Supporting Your Profession:

  • Share your expertise or develop new competencies by volunteering on a committee, working group, or even the Board of Directors.
  • A strong professional association results in a stronger advocacy voice for the profession.

Plus...Included with Your Membership:

  • Our Member Perks Program adds value to your membership, and can save you money.

Member Types & Fees: 

Individuals & Individuals with Subgroup Memberships

Open to anyone employed by a public agency and spends the majority of their time performing the usual and customary duties of the procurement, contracting and materials management function. Eligible to vote at the Annual Meeting. Note: proof of membership eligibility must be submitted when you complete your application by uploading the official job description that reflects your current role. Please note a job posting does not fit this criterion. 

All tiers of membership dues for Individuals & Individuals with Subgroup are paid annually. The membership year runs from January 1st to December 31st, regardless of the join date. Please note, the discounted tiered membership dues outlined below only apply to active members at the time of sign up and/or renewal. For example, if an agency has 8 active members at the time that they renew, they will fall into the Tier 3 pricing, paying $203.63 per person. If this agency adds multiple members over the year, member #9 will pay Tier 3, member #10 will pay Tier 3, member #11 will pay Tier 4 as they are now in the new tier for 11+ employees. If all 11 members renew when the next upcoming renewal period hits, all 11 will renew at the Tier 4 pricing of $176.48 per person. 

Tier 1: For Single Individuals: $271.50 annually [for individuals employed by a public agency that do not have colleagues that are members with OPBA]

Tier 2: For 2 - 5 Individuals with the same Agency: $230.78 annually, per person [for individuals working for the same agency]

Tier 3: For 6 - 10 Individuals with the same Agency: $203.63 annually, per person [for individuals working for the same agency]

Tier 4: 11+ Individuals with the same Agency: $176.48 annually, per person [for individuals working for the same agency]

OPBA memberships all live with the person who purchased the membership, or who the membership was purchased for. For example, if an agency renews Jane Doe in February, and Jane starts working for a new agency in April, Jane will retain her membership regardless of who paid her membership dues. OPBA memberships cannot be transferred between members under any circumstance. 

Associate Memberships

OPBA has three (3) tiers of Associate Memberships outlined below, which enjoy all the privileges of the Individual tier, except for voting rights.

Affiliate: Open to employees of any agency which expends public funds, and who is interested in supporting the objectives of OPBA, but who may not be engaged in procurement, contracting and materials management functions. 

Affiliate dues are $271.50 annually. Please note, an Affiliate member does not count toward the number of employees outlined in the Individual tiers.

Retired: Open to those who have retired from a public sector agency and are neither self-employed nor employed in the private sector.

Retired dues are $121.54 annually. 

Student: Open to all full-time students who are pursuing a relevant undergraduate or postgraduate diploma or degree such as business, public administration, purchasing, supply chain, or materials management. Proof of enrollment is required. i.e., student timetable, enrollment letter from your institution.

Student dues are $25.00 annually.

OPBA memberships are not taxed/do not include HST.

For more information:

 Email: members@opba.ca or call 905-682-2644 ext. 255.

* All memberships are subject to final approval by the Board of Director as outlined in Article 2.1 of the OPBA by-laws.

** Any falsification or willful misstatements or omissions intended to mislead the OPBA will forfeit the right to membership and incur additional sanction by the OPBA.

*** Memberships are not transferable. No refunds will be granted for memberships.    

**** Proof of membership eligibility is required during the application process by uploading the official job description that reflects your current role. Please note a job posting does not fit this criterion.